Reasons to Get Your Children Involved in After-School Programs

According to a recent study by the Afterschool Alliance, children from low-income families who attend after-school programs will experience an academic boost. These students also show improved behavior, better social skills, and improved work habits. After-school programs do much more than just keep your children busy during the afternoon. They can help in a variety of ways.

Sense of belonging

When an afterschool program isn’t run by the school district or a nearby facility, children get to know different kids than those they interact with at school. This means your children don’t need to deal with the same social issues. If the program is run at the school or nearby, it gives your child the chance to connect with familiar peers in a different environment. These programs generally include more adult supervision than during recess, so kids with learning or attention issues are more likely to be included.

Social skills

A good after-school program promotes cooperation, support, and respect. This will help kids feel more secure about joining a game or starting a conversation. The teachers at ABC Great Beginnings will always make sure your child has a voice.

Academic support

Many after-school programs provide structured homework help. Homework is often a source of friction between parents and children, so finishing with a teacher during the program can make evenings at home more pleasant. We know how important it is for your child to do their own homework, which is why we make sure that aides only help your children with work and don’t do it for them.

Makes learning fun

Many after-school programs offer classes in science or computers. These don’t include tests and allow students to work together in groups. This is especially beneficial to kids with learning and attention issues because the classes are stress-free and fun, but all kids can enjoy this relaxed learning environment.

Safety and supervision

In low-income families, children are more likely to engage in risky behavior. If those children have learning disabilities, they are also more likely to be victimized. Research shows that children are prone to commit crimes, drink, use drugs or become victims of a crime between 3 and 6 pm. An after-school program keeps kids busy during these hours, preventing them from engaging in risky behavior. Studies also show that after-school programs result in better grades and fewer behavioral problems.

Confidence booster

For shy children or those with learning disabilities, an after-school program can be much more forgiving than regular school. This means your child might be more willing to try new things and take more risks. This can all lead to higher self-esteem and better confidence.

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